Jun 12, 2006 02:18
So here's the quick run down:
-Left Texas, car broke down in LaJunta Colorado. Had to plop down almost $400 to get it running in time to get to faire.
-Lost the job I was going to get because of it.
-May have to put down even MORE money to get a bad motor mount OR bad CV joints fixed. Called my parents who when I left (felt so guilty for sending my sister off to college and telling me to fuck all)were Insistant that I call them if I have any money troubles to find them trying to back out of that deal. Apparently I was just supposed to call them, not actually possibly need money.
-Got to Colorado, searched for a job for a few days, found one working games for a guy named Spurvey (The Spurvert).
-Had to pee real bad, thought I opened my tent door but swan dove through the screen door rendering the whole thing Broken.
-First day of the job, find out Spurvey just bought the King of the Log game and I'm the only one who knows anything about it. This is the job I all but swore I would never do again after some dude punched me in the face and another one hulked out of his shirt trying to fight me. Somehow people in Colorado take it even worse than anywhere else. They're terribley offended whenever I try to challenge them and find the idea of hitting another person with Anything, much less a pillow, quite apalling. Too much floruide in the water me thinks.
-Get home from shittiest first weekend yet to find a giant wind storm ripping up what's left of my tent and my phone missing. I've yet to count what money I have hidden there but there's been a rash of thievery lately and I have a feeling both my phone, and some cash, are gone for good. Batteries are dead on it too so it makes it alot harder to track down.
-Went to a club in Denver which everyone raves about, found mini Hitler and The Corpse Bitch, very dissapointed in the music. But now I'm geeking out, stealing wireless froma local gym with Christian.
I really miss you Louis, I'm gonna be home soon. Same with everyone else I'm not having sex with too. Maybe sooner if this bad luck keeps up. Although at this point I'm concerned what the universe has to dish out for me if I try to drive home.