Jan: Sometimes, when I get stressed, my brain does odd things.
Feb: So, we had the exterminators in (again) because we knew we had got rats (again).
You know rohyphonol? (whatever the spelling is)
Apr: This makes me very very sad. [Death of Andy Hallett]
May: No entry in may (!)
Jun: Stayed up late to catch the re-run [Pendulum at Glasto] on the BBC's Red Button thingo.
Jul: I fon'y update my livejournal nearly enough any more. (sic)
Aug: Check out the newest addition to the ever expanding Clostermann family! [It was Hetty the hoover]
Sep: Al Stewart, Year of the Cat
Oct: There may be spoliars ahead.
Nov: I'm angry at Europe. Stupid Europe! Stupid!*
Dec: Tonight=Me+3xoffspring+about 20,000 people + MILEY CYRUS!
Where did you begin 2009?
At the start. It's the best place, I find
What was your relationship status by Valentine's Day?
Still as married as ever.
Were you in school (anytime this year) ?
Did you have to go to the hospital?
Oh, yes. Five kids. Pretty much live there. OK, that's not true. But I go there.
Did you have any encounters with the police?
Passed some in the street, said "Hello, officers". Also, think I met some at the door warning me there'd been a burglary. Which surprised me. Oh, no, the other thing. It didn't surprise me.
Where did you go on vacation?
Rhyl. Sunny ol' Rhyl. Same as always. Oh, and Beirut to see me bro and the 'units.
What did you purchase that was over $500?
Plane tickets to Beirut.
Did you know anybody who got married?
Not sure. Don't think so.
Did you move anywhere?
I moved on the sofa. I moved in bed. Sometimes I moved just for the joy of moving.
What sporting events did you attend?
Why would I attend one of those? Do people do that?
Where do you live now?
In the early 90s.
Describe your birthday?
Wobbly and shaped like a cactus. And ethereal. Or, alternatively, I turned thirty, and people came. There was music, and Rock Band, and alcohol. Some people forgot, and they know who they are, and I hope they feel suitably ashamed of themselves. Tut.
What's the one thing you did but thought you would never do in 2009?
That's between me and the sofa cushions.
What has/have been your favorite moment(s)?
The nice ones. You know, the ones where nice things happened.
What's something you learned about yourself?
I can't think of anything specific. Wow, how great is that? All that introspection wasted.
Any new additions to your family?
Apart from Hetty the Hoover, no.
Made new friends?
Yup. Then left that job and am probably not going to see them again for a long time if ever. Which is a bit depressing. I did make some local friends too, though, mainly as a result of not being at work all the time, so it's swingsets and see-saws really.
Favorite Night [s] out?
An EPIC boozeup shortly before leaving work where I was LAST MAN STANDING! Also
joetimewaster"'s annual birthday fireworks extravaganza, the fireworks at Pype Hayes, and ... there were others, I'm sure of it.
Any regrets?
Anyone who says they have no regrets is LYING. And they smell.
What do you want to change in 2010?
My pants and socks. Ideally 365 times.
Other than home, where did you spend most of your time?
At work in London.
Change your hairstyle?
Yup, had a reasonably dramatic cut, and for once a style (it lasted about two days).
How old did you turn this year?
30 of your Earth years
Do you have a New Year's resolution for 2010?
Last year's one was to Stay In Touch More. Hahahaha, that worked out.
Did you succeed in your New Year's resolutions for 2009?
What I said up there!
Anything embarrassing happen?
It's between US and THE SEA, ROSS!
Got arrested?
"... and I sat there on the Group W bench, talking 'bout crime, mother stabbing, father raping" ... no. No, I didn't.
Did you get sick this year?
Only the self inflicted kind. But WOAH did I make myself ill. It was amusing for other people, though.
Start a new hobby?
Really haven't had the time. Far too busy procrastinating.
What are your plans for 2010?
A job would be good. And just generally to be less crap.
Are you happy to see 2009 go?
Yeah. All-in-all, I've had better years.