...sorry, Mr. Leroux.
5. The Lost Queen by Chain of the Harmonica
After the war of the ring, everything is as it should be until a mysterious Queen shows up and everything starts to change from there.
For once, everything was perfectly all right in Middle Earth. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, the farmers were plowing, and a tall, rather hairy man in a dress was swinging his way through the Shire, singing loudly.
...maybe everything wasn't so perfect after all.
Queenie seemed blissfully unaware of the varied looks he was recieving from the hobbits he passed, which ranged from amused to angry to downright disgusted.
"First that Gandalf and now this," grumbled one of the Proudfoots (...Proudfeet?) to his wife. "It's getting to be so a decent hobbit can't even go out his own front door without some ridiculous foreigner traipsing through his garden. The cheek of it!"
Queenie seemed unaware of everything around him. An off-key rendition of a drinking song issued from his mouth despite the fact that he was clearly sober, and he left a trail of lilies from the basket he was swinging. He passed Bag End, and Frodo, happening to glance up at just the right moment, was left reeling.
The mysteries queen did not, however, stop, nor did he turn from his strange path. He left the hobbits stunned, the lilies he had dropped the only evidence that he had really been there and it wasn't all some fantastic dream.
Within a few days, the Shire began to see changes. Some of the younger, more impressionable hobbits, after seeing Queenie, began first to mock all foreigners based on the man and then to parody his actions. Beds of lilies were uprooted in the dead of night to fill the baskets that the laughing tweenagers carried everywhere, and more than one mother found one of her dresses missing. It got to be so bad that one could hardly go anywhere without being bombarded with bad singing and lilies by crowds of boy and girl hobbits alike, all clad in dresses.
And that is how the mysterious Queen changed everything.
13. Gone by Onde
With one shot of a canon, Will's life is changed forever. How will he coupe? Warning: Death and Slash WTJS R&R
'BOOM!' went the canon cannon. Agent Jeffrey winced and gave Agent Hak A Look.
"Was that really necessary?" he asked, squinting at Will Turner, the cannon's latest target. "It wasn't that strong of a 'Sue--I bet she would have come out if you'd just thwapped him with a copy of the DVD or something."
"The cannon's more fun," grinned Hak. "Anyway, it did the job."
Will was sitting up now and looking very dazed. Jeffrey sighed and put on his sunglasses, making sure Hak did the same.
"None of that just happened," intoned Jeffrey, and he neuralized Will. Before the agents stepped through the portal, Hak could be heard asking "is that really sufficient...?"
Will staggered to his feet, holding his head and staring blearily at the beach he found himself on. He remembered...he remembered...he squinted at the ocean, at a loss. He didn't remember anything.
How was he supposed to build a two-person carriage in that condition?
Mmm...apologies also to anyone on the flist who'll get this post twice because they're also in the PPC Plotholes community.
I watched Dracula 2000 again last night and enjoyed myself thoroughly. I turned the commentary on and actually spent most of the time with the movie in the background while I edited my *cough* fanfic...parody...thing. It's...yeah. I'm looking forward to posting that even though the D2K fanbase is teensy. You'll all read it, right? *puppy eyes* Not that it's anywhere near done, and I ought to be working on OOC Jack...but that one can probably wait until the second movie comes out and we get flooded with badfic again. And yea, still in the middle of the PotO story, but I just recently finished a chapter and sent it off to Frotu for editing, and what with all the school stuff she has to deal with right now it's going to be a while before she sends it back, and then after that we have to work on the next part of the outline before I can write again anyway. Twelve chapters and we've finally covered the first of thirty-five years.
Anyway, as I meant to say before I went off about fanfiction, I posted
a review of the film to IMDb. Seriously, it's a funny, funny movie.
Still feeling the kilt love. Gehhh....