Aug 20, 2005 15:55
so a lot has happened in the last couple months.
- John and I are over for good, but we're workin' on bein' friends.
- I met a really nice, put together guy who rocks my socks :-P
- I have been saying everything I can to my mom to keep me in Somerville and out of the house in Annandale.
- my sister is getting married September 22. That's right I'm pretty sure on a few of you knew I have a half sister that I haven't seen in over 6 -7 years. I'm in her wedding and I get out of school for 3 days. thank God.
I finished the summer reading books, Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card, and Water is Wide by Patrick Conroy Ender's Game is Really good, and I plan on reading Ender's Shadow soon. Water is wide is good when drama in the town is going on, but for the few chapters between the drama are long and drawn out, ok the whole thing is drawn out, it's soo detailed and with the speed I read and style I read (I don't skim) getting through the pages is difficult. But I got them both done, and this is the first summer I've had time for recreational reading, and I picked Beowulf, I can't remember the translator. right now i'm exactly half way through it and I've only had it for 1 week. this is record breaking. I hope that I keep up this rate because I haven't finished a book in 2 weeks in a LONG time, the last time I did was in middle school, The Riddle of Pencroft Farm, or something like that. Anyway, I'm reading Beowulf because I really want to read Grendal and I was told that I MUST read this one first. I hope the reading list for next summer is the same as this summer, because Grendal is on that list. I don't understand why the say you should read a book when it's a good idea to read a back story first, Beowulf isn't on the list.
So for those of you (New York girlies) that care about my fashion: I've gone from baggy shirts (long sleeves with short sleevs over it), and big pants and steel toe boots as well as industrial and earthy looks to--> strong earth influence, light shoes, light shirts and that's right, I wear skirts now, not short but i've come a long way. I still love my industrial but in a feminine way [tight(er) shirt and multi-pocket pants] I still wear long sleeves for the majority of the time or the classic, short sleeve with the jacket over it, but I'm slowly getting over my anti sun ordeal, you know the story. and for those select that care about what's under it all, let's just say I've grown up a bit and I do my own laundry now ::wink::
so I'm gonna be a junior this upcoming year. I'm almost there! Almost. I get a car in January and I have to focus harder this year, no more cheaters club. :( I have to read the books this year, last year I didn't and I was hurtin'. I wanted to become a lifeguard but I don't think I'going to beable to with work too, and school. I can always do it next year. yeah, work. I miss getting paid, I've had to borrow money from people for an entire month I feel like shit, but you know what, I know that my friends trust me a lot. Thank you all. it makes me so happy to know thatI mean something to you all. you mean the world to me. Even though I don't chill with you all religiously, I think about everyone from MD. and church group, to Mass. and Cali.
so I mentioned before that my sister is getting married. I've had to borrow money for the plane ticket and the dress, and the result, I'm her cleaning slave till December. grr. and the only reason why I'm not just paying her is because I like a clean house, and I need the cash for the car. I can't wait for my finances to get straight, then I can stop stressin' about it. I sound like such an ass b/c I'm talking about this.
I haven't been on the computer long enough to write in months, all I've done was the occasional email.
I don't know what to do about next summer, I want to do so much. mostly church stuff but then I want to go into the army reserves and start my life now. I'll do boot camp, then the summer that I'm officially out of High School, I'll do job training, then I'll do what I need to to be certified in Mortuary work. I tell you what though I'm tired of people giving me shit for the idea that I'm strongly considering. I've heard the same argument by everyone that's not in the military. I don't even like hanging around my friends when they talk politics because then they spot light me, and when I try to be social with the military cats, I feel like an outsider. my boyfriend and I care about eachother but I really want to be legal, so the okwardness can go away, I don't want to get him in trouble. on a good note, yesterday was a good day I went to the movies with girls. I have only ever done that once and that was because this girl had friend that cancelled and she didn't want to go alone. this time was so much better, Jen Lauren and Any and me. I felt loved, we got my frined kyle to go too, it was cool the movie sucked (Red Eye) then I hung out with John for a bit, I like hanging out but he's so serious when we talk, so I like it when we're social, he's nicer then.
I almost forgot! David invited me a week or so ago to go rafting with a bunch of our frineds from school and it was an awesome time! we're going to try to make it an annul event.
ok, next entry is going to be writing, not a journal entry.
"appreciate the time we have together, and don't stress about the time we don't"