Jul 14, 2004 00:10
top ten things on my mind at this moment (in no particular order)
1.what happens more often? life imitating art or the other way around?
2.that shadow thats been following me the past few days is starting to get on my nerves.
3.ive been thinking about making this friends only. any thoughts on this?
4.with the restaurant closing down (thank god) i wonder if there will be some kids who will have moments of silence when they pass it much as how us forgotten few la tuya kids still do.
5.im lonely.
6.i hate my room.
7.i hope the nothing nice website is updated soon.
8.what the fuck is it with bands talking about knives and guns in a somewhat poetic saying? its over done. oi!
9.if another terrosit attack does happen id like it to happen in el paso.
10.spider man IS a cockblock