Today was exciting!
I did my part in the play in English which was really good, surprisingly. We get out T3’s back tomarrow so hopefully Ill know what I have in that class soon.
I finally got grass and landscaping today! It was instant yard. I left this morning and there was dirt all over, and when I came home most of it was done. I when I finished dinner it was all done! Everything was in, it looks o so pretty, I think it looks the best in the neighborhood.
Also When I got back from Ann Arbor I checked my CID and CVS called! So I called them back and talked to Shawn and he hired me! OMG I have a job, my very first job! Im so excited. I start on the 11th @ 4. lol Stan already told me that he was going to stop by once a month and bug me. I don’t think working is going to be that bad. Plus there’s $ involved! I told my mom Im going to get a cell and she really didn’t say anything about it exp how am I going to pay for it. Eh Ill work it out.
Well I wont be going with Keith on Memorial Day because I have to stay here because my mom is working and my grandpa is picking us up during the day and we are going to spend the day at Columbia. YES! Maybe Ill get a tan… oohh
Im out