May 06, 2004 21:54
Its been a while. A lot has happened.
This week was meap. And let me tell you, it sucked! The english was rediculous I wrote like 3, 4 page essays grr, and then the science was ok, the social studies was easy, but the math gah damn! I felt so dumb, I know that I learned all of that stuff I just dont remeber how to do it exactly, it was like a brain fart and it stunk. It fustrated me beyond end. And durring the math meap I was so hungry my stomach started to make LOUD noises, so load that amy who was sitting in front of me could hear it loud a clear and almost started to crack up. lol So afterwards I went and got Brians cheerios that i mysteriously put in my locker because i didnt give them back yet te hehe.
Yesterday my mom got 3 letters.
The first one was from her lawyer with the papers from the motion the other week. The motion stated that my mom has full ownership of our property out in Brooklyn and can sell it for as much as she wants. Also it states that since Tom was suposed to hand over his golf equipment which he didnt give us the right set, he now has to pay us $400 instead.
~needless to say this pissed Tom off.
The second letter was from Tom saying that he needs Brandons schedual for the summer because he's going to take him for a vacation with him, and he's going to pick up the plane tickets next week. In the letter he also wanted to switch weekends because he was going to be "out of town" on his weekend.
The third letter was from Friend of the Court. Get this... Tom said that he gets no parenting time, and that my mom has defied court orders to let him see his "kids" (that means just Brandon). So he is taking her to court on thursday. WTF where the hell does he think he's going with this? he has no proff and my mom documents everything. Tom has everyother weekend which includes friday,saturday, and sunday. But he only sometimes takes Brandon on Saturdays and brings him home early. He also has every Wensday and that NEVER happens. This schedual was made out by my mom so that Brandon could see Tom more than he was. And now Tom pulls this shit, Gah damn. The thing is, this is the first step he's taking to get custody of Brandon. Grr It just pisses me off, why does he want to break my family once agian. He got his divorce, wasnt that to get out of everything? then why isnt he gone?
Im so fustrated! In VB we have to make our own games right. Well I got most of it done and I only need a little bit of help so that I can finish it. Mrs. T was helping me with it yesterday for like 10 mins but then we had to leave, so today right as the class was starting I asked her if she would help me agian because the day before we hadnt accomplished anything. She told me "Try and figure it out on your own, if you dont get it then find something else to do." Fuck that she cannt help me? The project is due tomarrow! theres no way in hell I can finish a whole VB project in 90 minutes. I dont get it, I did almost all of it i just need some help with a couple of commands and she wont do shit. That bitch.
I still havent been able to get into Computer Servicing as of today Jesse Acosta is still on the waiting list before me. I dont understand! why cannt he just roll over and die? Ive waited forever to get into that class, and Im not in it.
I havent done my laundry in almost 2 months and Im just about out of clothes to wear. I guess thats what Im going to be doing all weekend.
But i guess I just havent been myself lately, and Im sorry if I offended anyone along the way, Ive just been really irratated lately. I know thats probably not a valid excuse but I dont know what else to say.