Apr 27, 2004 20:59
my arm is shaking... ive been working with a weedwacker everyday for 3 hrs straight. It hurts bad.
prom is in 4 days! I still have to get my dress shortened.. i took it to a taylo but it would have cost $60! so yeah Im taking it to Rochels's tomarrow.
meap's commin up... theres too many tests that I have to take theres: ACT,SAT,ASVAB,meap, theres another one i forgot what its called, o and i still have to go for my CAD certification.
I got kicked out of some of the classes that I picked for next year. One of them is computer servicing! Im on a waiting list with fuckng Jesse Acosta! I thought that upperclassmen have the advantage over others when it comes to picking classes. So now my classes are: Electronics, CAD/CAM, World Affairs, Graphics 1, Web Authoring, Accounting 1, ... i forgot what the last one is.
Im not in the best moods right now...