No one is going to read this, but I have nothing better to do at the moment.

Aug 15, 2005 02:06

So, here's a really long survey or 2 that I got off of Megan's LJ. I'm here at her house and we're being bored on separate computers. Hooray!

You are
[ ] really short under 5'2
[x] 5'2 -5'6"
[ ] 5'7''more medium then short
[ ] in between 5'7" - 6'
[ ] tall

[ ]natural blonde
[ ] redhead
[x] brunette
[ ] dirty blonde/brownish
[ ] black
[ ]dyed brown
[ ]red brown
[ ]dark brown with light brown/blond highlights

[ ] Change colors
[x] blue-eyed
[ ] brown-eyed
[ ] green-eyed
[ ] hazel eyed
[ ] gold/gray-eyed
[ ] bluish/gray- eyed
[x] glasses
[x] contacts
[ ] pretty much every color

[ ] short hair
[ ] med. hair
[x] long hair

Your nationality includes...
[ ] chinese
[ ] American indian
[ ] taiwanese
[ ] japanese
[ ] hispanic
[ ] nicoya
[ ] puerto rican
[ ] chicana
[ ] italian
[x] scottish,
[ ] Fillipino
[ ] armenian
[ ] dutch
[ ] french
[x] german
[x] irish
[ ] greek
[ ] portuguese
[ ] polish
[x] english
[ ] korean
[ ] jamacian
[x] canadian
[ ] lithuanian
[x] Native American
[ ] Russian
[ ] British
[ ] Hawaiin
[ ] Swedish
[ ] African
[ ] Peruvian
[ ] hungarian
[ ] thai
[ ] Czech-Slovakian
[ ] you aren't sure
[ ] Romanian
[ ] Austrian
[ ] Finnish
[ ] Egyptian
[ ] Welsh
[ ] norweigian
[ ] croation
[ ] Danish
[ ] Bohemian
[ ] Mutt
[ ] Ukrainian

Your favorite color(s) are?
[ ] red
[ ] khaki
[x  pink
[x] yellow
[ ] black
[ ]green
[x] blue
[ ] white
[ ] silver
[x] purple
[ ] brown
[ ] orange
[ ] grey
[ ] cream

Some sports/physical things you do/want to do/have done?
[ ] soccer
[ ] cheerleading
[x] dancing
[ ] boxing
[ ] lacrosse
[ ] field hockey
[ ] hockey
[ ] football
[ ] softball
[ ] wrestling
[x] gymnastics
[ ] track/cross country
[ ] Basketball
[ ] baseball
[ ] golf
[ ] playing music in the mud
[x] playing music
[x] hiking
[ ] kayaking-white water rafting
[x] camping
[x] horseback riding
[ ] tennis
[x] volleyball
[ ] martial arts
[ ] rugby
[ ] hunting
[ ] swimming

Your personality is sometimes...
[x] talkative
[ ] shy
[x] funny
[x] serious
[ ] bubbly
[x] spazzy
[x] fun loving
[x] laid back
[ ] strict
[x] hyper
[x] weird
[ ] ditzy
[ ] sarcastic
[ ] slow

The music you like is?

[ ] classic rock
[ ] rap
[x] rock
[ ] pop
[ ] country
[ ] hiphop
[ ] r&b
[ ] slow jams
[ ] Christian
[x] classical
[ ] techno
[ ] oldies
[x] punk
[ ] metal
[ ] reggae
[x] emo
[ ] screamo
[ ] Latin
[ ] hardcore
[ ] noise
[ ] ska
[x] 80's
[ ] reggaeton
[ ] Dancehall
[X] jazz (was NOT even on here before...WHO made this thing?!]

The pets you have had?
[x] cat
[ ] dog
[ ] lizard
[ ] rat
[ ] ferret
[ ] rabbit
[x] fish
[ ] ducks
[ ] chickens
[ ] horse
[ ] bird
[ ] frog
[ ] hermit crab
[ ] prarie dog
[ ] none
[ ] turtle
[ ] hamster
[ ] snake
[ ] gerbil
[ ] guinea pig
[ ] goat
[ ] chinchilla
[ ] tarantula
[ ] squirrel

Clothes you like to wear are?
[x] plain tshirts
[x] sweatshirts
[ ] sneakers
[x] jeans
[x] pj pants
[ ] boxers
[x] underwear
[ ] thongs
[x] toe socks
[x] flip-flops
[ ] halter tops
[ ] Polos
[ ] band tshirts
[ ] shorts (No, I hate wearing shorts. Don't ask me why, I just don't like wearing them. I only wear them when I have to; when I'm swimming or when it's really hot.)
[ ] boots
[ ] arm-warmers

You're mostly labeled as?
[x] wow none of these (even though I marked two other ones. According to some really annoying girl at jazz camp, I'm labeled as "uber-famous" but that wasn't an option on here...)
[ ] goth
[ ] emo...rarely
[ ] indie
[ ] prep
[ ] punk/skate
[ ] ghetto/gangsta
[ ] Rudeboy
[ ] hippie
[ ] ditzy
[ ] scene
[ ] hyper
[x] happy
[ ] slutty
[ ] suicidal
[ ] poser
[x] not sure
[ ] everything
[ ] kandy kid
[ ] Redneck
[ ] idk

You eat?
[ ] no meat
[ ] diet stuff
[x] healthy foods
[x] junk foods
[x] a lot of carbs
[x] meat
[x] salad
[ ] seafood
[ ] Barely anything

A typical friday night...
[x] mall with friends
[ ] partying
[x] watching movies
[ ] going to the club
[x] staying home
[ ] babysitting and getting $$
[x] hanging out w/ my friends
[ ] hangin out w/ your bf or gf
[ ] working while your friends are out having fun!
[ ] going to the ice plex with ur friends or bf or gf

Online, you use:
[x] lol
[ ] sup
[x] =D or :D
[ ] lmao
[ ] stfu
[ ] ty
[x] jk
[x] ttyl
[ ] lylas/lylab
[ ] g2g
[ ] ^.^
[ ] T_T
[x] XD

-*-more fun stuff-*-

~Name: Chantelle

~When you look at yourself in the mirror, what's the first thing you look at? My eyes

~How much cash do you have on you? umm...10 dollars. Which is going to disappear sometime tomorrow.

~What's a word that rhymes with "TEST"? Best. Meaning I'M the best at everything. Wow, what a horrific lie.

~Favorite plant/flower? I don't really have one. But I enjoy flowers. I'm not very picky about them, so if someone were to give me flowers, I'd like whatever they gave me probably. Hmm. I really liked those orchids Tasha gave me on my birthday, though. (Those were orchids, right?) They smelled good. :)

~What are you wearing? black tank top, black jacket, red sweatpants, and white socks.

~Do you "label" yourself? The only label I have for myself is "awesome." Wow, I'm being really conceited tonight. I'm really only kidding, sorry guys.

~Name brand of your shoes currently wearing? I'm not wearing any shoes at the moment, but if I were I'd be wearing my dark blue Old Navy flip-flops.

~Bright or Dark Room? Meaning do I have one of those, or do I prefer one? I don't really have a "bright" room. It's more what you'd call "light" and "boring" because it's just white mostly. I prefer bright rooms. Really dark ones either creep me out or make me tired and sad.

~What were you doing at midnight last night? Checking my e-mail since I hadn't for over a week.

~Do you ever click on "Pop Ups" or Banners? Not on purpose. I've definitely done it on accident before, though.

~What's a saying that you say a lot? "...that makes me happy" <-- me too, Megan (as Caleb likes to point out)! I also say "awesome" a lot, in a lot of different phrases

~Who told you they loved you last? ...Oh, um...not sure I can say that here without getting weird looks. No, wait, it was my mom. Yeah, my mom. ...

~Last furry thing you touched? Megan's cat Hershey

~How many rolls of film do you need to get developed? About 48, more like 6 or 7, but yeah. It's ridiculous.

~Favorite age you have been so far? Hmm...I think I really liked being 17. That was a really good year. But 18 and 19 have been fun, too.

~Your worst enemy? EVERYONE in Soundsation!!!! Bwahahaha! Okay, just kidding. Do I even have enemies? I don't think so.

Okay I'm finally done and finally going to try to sleep. Or maybe I'll play tempting...
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