Remember the true tragedy of Thanxgiving.

Nov 22, 2005 11:10

I'd just like to continue to point (as i do every year, and everyone hates me for it) out how stupid it is to celebrate thanksgiving. this is a holiday where we supposedly made friends and peace with the native americans, and that we all lived happily together, as one big hungry family. In all actuality, we decided to kill all the native americans, give them small pox, and take over there land. Thanksgiving, is actually, "happy white man coming to this country and killing all the native americans day."


i do LOVE the food, the time off, the drinks, the vacation, the friends coming into town, the procrastinating of writing papers until finals week, the shopping, the football, the block-buster movies, the leftovers, and the biggest bar night of the year.

i die-gress:
sooo... it's TUESDAY! which is awesome, cause i just found out that my morning classes are cancled tomorrow, so in about 3 hours, i will be free of classes for a little less than a week. woo hoo! Not that i won't be doing homework; i'll be writing and reading like crazy... but I AM looking forward to going out for drinks with a few peeps. There are some old friends visiting for the break, which makes me giddy.

My TA never showed up for my earliest class today. boo. we all sat around for half an hour before we decided to leave. i would have left a lot earlier, but he's an ass about attendance... and i've already missed too many to risk him being late and then me not getting credit for being there.

hmmm... what else is knew?

thanxgivin will feel strange. my family decided against celebrating it together this year... it'd just be too hard, ya know? so i'm gonna probably spend thaxgivin with mel and her enormous lebanese family. It's a definite treat to hang out with the Semaan's cause i come from an extremly small family.... and she comes from the largest family that i know. I always come back from her family visits with wonderful stories, and a little more insight into why mel is... well mel.

i've been on a bit of a wine-oh lately... i think it's the holiday spirit... it just calls for a good wine buzz.

A wonderful memory of 2005:
my 24th birthday party. A joint bash with nikki loveless, friends gathered in kzoo to head out to the bar where i found shots for free, procceeded to dance, do more shots, black-out, and finally end up doing cartwheels at 5 am on the practice field in kzoo. ALL friends who were present made this night special for me.
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