If we're not fully satisfied

Sep 11, 2011 11:08

Character Relations for Exit Void


| black/hate ⇨ red/love

| how we met (in person, video/voice chat, text)

| current relationship (avoid/dangerous, acquaintances, friends, love-love suki desu~★)

| roommate


[[ This is a work in progress, writing quick whatever for getting the basics on there. Someday I'll actually put more info in... ]]

[[ Also, this whole thing is going to be revamped after holiday rush to make it more useful to me ]]

Dragon Kid-san // Pao-Lin-san
A fellow Hero from Stern Bild, NEXT Power: Electrokinesis, often photobombs team up with her, also kicks me in the face when sparring, got bit first thing she got here, staying in same dorm complex though different section

A fellow Hero from Stern Bild and graduate of the Hero Academy, NEXT power: Hundred Power, calls me senpai!

Spicer-san (Jack Spicer)
responded to post, claims he's an evil genius, seems more like a fanboy

??? (Commander Sheppard)
responded to post

Madoka-san (Madoka Kaname)
responded to post Should probably be -chan but not familiar with her... From Japan!

Konishi-san (Naoki Konishi)
Ivan responded to post

??? (Oliver)
Ivan responded to post

Stark-san (Tony Stark // Iron Man)
Thought he was room service...

??? (Xion)
running around in shadows

Giles-san (Rupert Giles)
Trying to form a defense force to protect people while in the game, Ivan responded to anon

??? (Chimera)
made an anon. post about who has special power/not human, Ivan responded to anon.

??? (Mao Ephedra Glandol)
responded to his post, talked about message and poison

??? (Luke Triton)
Ivan responded to post asking about reconciling with a friend the thought hits a little close to home

??? (Misogi Kumagawa)
Missing Jump? ... I'm missing Lion and Hare!

Tam-san(River Tam)
pumpkin mission

Potts-san (Pepper Pots)
pumpkin mission

has the power to heal

??? (Ryoji Mochizuki)
answered his comm

??? [Izanami]
Ivan answered anon. post as anon. as Origami

??? (Jack Sparrow)
pirate! answered his post

??? (Thane Krios)
answered comm

Need to add: Dave (Homestuck), Helen Magnus, Wheatley

シュッ シュッ シュッ シュッ シュッ シュッ シュッ シュッ シュッ シュッ シュッ シュッ

Blank CR Table

http://i.imgur.com/q2ZAD.jpg" align="center" width="180" height="180">http://i55.tinypic.com/z4hes.png" width="56" height="180">***NAME***

Dropped CR Code Addition

[[[[after align="center" in table tag]]]] style="filter:alpha(opacity=40); -moz-opacity:0.4; opacity: 0.4"

シュッ シュッ シュッ シュッ シュッ シュッ シュッ シュッ シュッ シュッ シュッ シュッ

Legend Code Modified to Add Title Mouse Overs and purple color because it fits Ivan better

http://i.imgur.com/fh5A5.jpg" title="black/hate"> http://i.imgur.com/nDD7G.jpg" title="blue/dislike or wary"> http://i.imgur.com/oZ42i.jpg" title="green/neutral"> http://i.imgur.com/gmoLh.jpg" title="yellow/friendly"> http://i.imgur.com/FtOp8.jpg" title="orange/trusted friend"> http://i.imgur.com/9yOlP.jpg" title="red/love"> | black/hate ⇨ red/love

http://i.imgur.com/hr0yp.jpg" title="in person"> http://i.imgur.com/LY5Le.jpg" title="video/voice chat"> http://i.imgur.com/mwOAE.jpg" title="text"> | how we met (in person, video/voice chat, text)

http://i.imgur.com/pTG2a.jpg" title="avoid/dangerous"> http://i.imgur.com/mnS5K.jpg" title="acquaintances"> http://i.imgur.com/0m6Ul.jpg" title="friends"> http://i.imgur.com/QfsRX.jpg" title="love-love suki desu~★"> | current relationship (avoid/dangerous, acquaintances, friends, love-love suki desu~★)

http://i.imgur.com/h780V.jpg" title="roommate"> | roommate

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