May 23, 2006 19:52
I have to admit, the only reason I'm thinking about a sponsored LJ is for more icons! LOL! But there's been such a hubbub about this whole thing, I thought these ads much be horrible, intrusive looking banners!
Turns out I've been checking out sponsored LJ's and didn't realize it! WOW! Talk about under the radar!
I've noticed the ads seem to be just across the bottom of the page and there is a banner along the right side. To see the one on the side I have to scroll over or it is not visible at all.
My questions are: If I sign up, will I also get a strip of ads across the bottom and one large one on the side? Are there options?
Also, are the side ads CREATED so people have to scroll to the side to see them, or is that just my computer?
BTW, this is a great idea for a community. I found it by searching "sponsored" in the Interests.