My year in review: A gay dog, a broken family, and discovering who I really am.

Dec 31, 2006 15:58

My year has sucked pretty much. More details behind the cut if you care. But really, just sucked in case you don't want to read all of it.

So, it's new years eve, I guess a review of my year all together would do for today. The year started off badly because my dad went to surgery a week before 2006 had even begun and then both my sisters worked. Nikki was understandable Tanya was lazy and barely had a part time job at the time. I was left to do everything and no one to help. I developed back pains that still have not gone away and I've discovered a new me but it's not who I want to be. I realized that I will not be truly happy until I move out of my house and get away from my mom and dad, whether that be for just a couple days or the rest of their lives. If I keep with them after I move out then I'll end up going crazy. I discovered I'm bi polar and I I discovered I'm bi sexual. I had my first boy friend this year who turned out to be a racist and homophobic asshole. I tried to work things out with him but he didn't do is part to solve our problems so now when we see each other we, more like I, chew his head off. He messed with me one too many times and I'm showing him he can't control me anymore. Even though we only dated for two weeks. My family fell apart countless times and nothing's been worked out. Things have only gotten worse and worse. I've lost two dogs.


I miss them both very much. My new dog Phantom has shown me that he's gay and he loves our neighbors dog Osso. I've made two friends. I rarely talk to them. Yes it's on livejournal. It's ok I'm used to people not wanting to talk to me. Part of it is my fault for not talking to them a lot. I've lost a friend who I thought I would be friends with forever. We talk every now and then but I don't really consider her a friend anymore. I've begun writing stories even though I'm not a very good writer yet I'm getting there. I'm slowly working on my writing skills. I went to my first concert which happened to be GC. I loved it, I wish I could have stayed and met the band.

I did though get to meet Tony from Mest.

Yes, that's what I really look like. Ugly stupid and lame I know. Please don't remind me.

Other than that everything else sucked. That one day, even that wasn't the best day. I wanted it to be but it wasn't. Thanks to my 'wonderful' family. Even Nikki was a reason it sucked. My 16th bday was this year back in february and guess what? It sucked too. Who would of thought? Well I went to Castle Park(ever heard of that?) with Mike(adelic) and my parents for my celebration. It actually was ok but I would have liked Six Flags better and with my whole family there too. Then I had cake and ice cream the day before my bday because my whole family wasn't going to be with me on my bday. On my actual bday, I was home alone all day, only one dog because Sydney was put down two days before, the day I went to Castle Park with Mike(adelic) and my parents which really badly sucked. None of my friends called and I was bored out of my mind, no one cared I was a year older, and no one cared that I was slowly falling apart(again). I fall apart so easily thanks to my parents.

THATS MY YEAR IN REVIEW. GO. ME.(note the sarcasm[again])
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