EH WELL. Lol Mayonaka no Shadow Boy came out and DAMMMMM THOSE BOYS ARE GUUUUUD LOOKIN'. I wouldn't rather be in ANY other fandom ^O^
I would rant, but I've pretty much already ranted my brains out rofl.
Scrap Teacher should be coming out any time soon now. I watched this like half hour special on it, and there was some Yamajima. It made me very happy. BTW Yuuto is super hot with
wet hair. Seriously, I saw that clip of him getting sprayed with water in the bafroom, but not once did I think of how HOT he'd look after. I love wet hair <333
Ehehe, 'cept my wet hair rofl. Blahhh and I just lost my train of thought. :/
I hope you are all having a good day. =3
BTW I'm editing the appearance of my journal because there are like tons of ways I could make it look like waayyy cooler. 8D