Code Geass R2 20

Aug 29, 2008 01:16

This episode was awesome O.O Oh yes, lots of things happened.. and stuff.. But I shall firstly adress my favorite thing about it. which is of course..

OLD C.C. IS BACK BITCHES!1!!!!!11 Oh, how I've missed her *___*..

So.. is Marianne's Geass to be able to die and then come back and take over peoples bodies.... ? o_O
Well, maybe, she did it to Anya. But, I don't really care because she got C.C.'s memory back =D
C.C. was just sitting lazily in her own mind xD C.C. iz teh pwnzerz :P .. I like the way Marianne interacts with C.C., it's so... buddy-like lol..
Honestly, I'm surprised Villeta didn't get fired >_> Yeah, the Slut Knights are still slutz x______x OhmaiGawd, they're so whiney.. Tamaki was crying a little xD Kallen is still siding with Lelouch, Go Kallen! :D But that two-timing whore Ougi still thinks that he betrayed them all with Geass. Hmmm, it appears that Diethard is calling most of the shots here now.. and thinks that Ougi is trying to protect villeta.. Duh. :P

Lelouch calls Rivalz and says HE DOESN'T WANT TO GO BERRY-PICKING WITH HIM! >:(...... I mean, he can't set of fireworks with them.... yeeeah.. >__>; Soo, while the Ashford Emergency Broadcast System is sending a message, that curly haired nut Charles is linking all the Geass ruin things together to "Destroy the Gods"..o__O 

... Anywayz, the Slut Knights have gone an lied to everyone by telling them Zero is dead.. I wonder how Kaguya would have reacted to Zero actually being Lelouch...
Wait a minute, did they get Japan back? because I recall them saying that they would sell out Zero if it was in exhange for Japan x__X.;...???

The Rec-room scene was awesome because Lloyd was in it :D
I have never seen Gino that angry =O Well, at least we all know what the chained up Gino thing was about, good thing they didn't hurt him.. That would suck =( WTF Schneizel wants to be Emperor and Suzaku wants to assainate the Emperor.. Drama, lol.

So, somehow, Suzaku magically gets over there in like 5 seconds and blah blah blah YOU COULD HAVE SAVED EUPHIE YOU BASTERD >:( blah blah GEASS IZ TEH EVILSZ!!!1 blah blah SWORD FIGHT! =D
He would have died this time if Lelouch didn't use that "live on" command on him before. So, instead he just got owned by Bismark... then some explosion thingy happened and he fell in while he was running away.. or something.. whatever, I bet he's still alive.. :P

OMG, PURPLE FIRE =O! Lelouch was so bad ass here, being all ruthless and stuff XD But, he did own all of those Brittanians.. like, litterally xD

and apparently, Marianne is a very good liar (Marriane the flash? lol) Now we see where Lelouch got his brains from.. the craziness is from Charles' side >.>; .. She asked C.C. whether or not they should help Lelouch after she lied to Bismark to get away from him.. I wonder what Lelouch's reaction will
be when he figures out his mother is controlling the body of Anya *_*


Thus, we end this episode with Charles doing.. something with weird creepy DNA strand looking things... is it just me or do they look like zombies or dead bodies or something O_o ans Lelouch blew up the exits with some C4 like things so they'll be stuck in there forever... he REALLY hates him. Nonetheless, I hope C.C. reunites with Lelouch >.>


.......The next ep. is gonna be TRIPPY... 8D

i must be on drugs

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