Dec 04, 2007 16:29
Now what God? Tell me where my heart is. I can say "this is where my heart is..." but i want to be have assurance from You. I've made mistakes, and i guess i've lost confidence. Its hard to understand passion. Patton says something along the lines of: a passion that is not exercised simply dies.
Wow, i think that was a little confirmation. My passion hasn't died. Good. Now, where does my heart need to be? Alright, passion is just as strong as ever, i get it, lol. It was just my confidence...woundedness. Maybe even lies from the deceiving one. You know i will wait, You know i can wait. But how do i wait? I'm uncertain if i'm even doing that correctly. Eh, every now and then i do a good job of being patient...its the inconsistency that throws me off. another good question for You, God. Do i need to progress in this passion? Do i hold on to what i've got? Do i flow with the current? Heh, i wouldn't even know how to progress in this passion, so if that is gonna happen, it will because You are orchestrating it. Yes! I'm fine with that :-) If i just need to hold on to what i've got, i'm gonna need Your help. I don't trust myself to do that the best way. I really don't think You want me to flow with the current. This passion is here for a reason, so the only good thing that could come from that is just trusting You completely to take me down the current safely to the exact place you want me to go. That seems silly though, as if i'd be testing God my Creator. Don't think that's what You want, heh.
Anyway, short processing and talking to God...this is what i've got. I'm a little uncertain about some things, but i'm here for a reason. Gotta add a little more faith, a little more leaning on Him to progress sometimes. Alright God, i'll commit more and more to You. It's been a goal of mine anyway. Win win situation :-D
K, i'd love to pray for you if you have requests. I love you all simply because God made you and i'm sure He's pleased with His creation, so i will be too :-) I just read through Romans by the way. I've thought about committing to reading that book every month! I'm slowly going through James now. Likely one of the books of Peter will come next. Its in God's hands, such an amazing feeling :-D Well, less than 2 weeks left. I really REALLY want to see Nick and Erin before i leave.
Erin, let me know when you'll be around campus or when i can come out to see you.
Someone with a car, please give me a ride? I know you're out there 0.o
God bless!
In Christ,