Just because we tell mythical stories of God and of heavenly realms should not take away from God's truth -- much less that He CAN'T exist because there are too many different beliefs about who God is. How many lies does it take to discredit the truth?
We've been living like the Holy Bible is our story about God when all along it's God's story about us (God inspires us to write it [
2 Timothy 3:16] and we read it to learn more about the author); telling us how and why He made us; how we constantly choose to fail and rebel yet He rescues and redeems; how we've been given promises and how He is faithful to keep them. I tell you the truth, "We were not making up clever stories when we told you about the powerful coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We saw His majestic splendor with our own eyes" [2 Peter 1:16]. The "stories" and "plots" in the Bible were not cleverly devised to control you. That type of deceit would be entirely impossible! Put aside the irrational thoughts and fears you had in your immaturity. The evidence you find now may teach you something that your youthful mind could not then comprehend. Ask yourself, 'what things are glorious,' and in your search, avoid the foolish pitfalls that can over-complicate simple answers.
Don't you get it? There are many different views on God because we each have our own personal encounters. For some, it's strictly mental: 'How can God exist?' 'Must he exist?' For others, it's strictly emotional: 'I feel let down by God' or 'I can feel God's love'.
You see, His majesty is all around us, but some of us have stopped looking. Why?!
Because we've been hurt, waiting for God to give us what we say we need? (I understand, really. But let me ask you, how old were you when you first felt hurt by God seemingly neglecting you? Or do you feel he took something from you? Find some patience, o adult, and realize that this is a legitimate spiritual concern, but to carry it over as far as to say 'God doesn't exist' is childish! Be brave, seek your identity in our Heavenly Father, rather than trying to identify God by what He can do for you.)