Title: you are here
Fandom: American Idol RPF
Rating: R
Pairings: Adam/Kris
Word Count: ~11,000
Summary: Since when have you been a morning person? (SIX FLAGS, YO. High school AU.)
He's hyper-focused on this, on just them; he blocks everything else out even if his eyes are still wide open. )
Comments 14
"You got me a deep-fried dildo?" Kris asks. "I'm touched."
I LOVE this. xD
This was ridiculously adorable, and seriously, please keep writing forever, okay? You describe things in a way that's both poetic but also so very real, and it's wonderful and makes me just want to live in this verse forever.
Can't wait to see what you have in store for us and the boys next <333
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