Pack up the Moon and Dismantle the Sun -- Chapter 8Author:
easytheretygerRating: M
Characters: River Song, Eleventh Doctor, Jack Harkness, Eleven/River
Words: 1,650
Warnings: Most of it will be lower rated but there is a non-explicit sex scene, so I went with M.
Spoilers: This takes into account one spoiler from a press release by Steven Moffat concerning the Ponds in series 7. If you have somehow managed to avoid what he said about what's going to happen with them, you should avoid this fic. It was in the release announcing Jenna as the new companion and is spoiler tagged below.
Spoiler )
Summary - River hasn’t seen her Doctor in a very long time.
A/N - River leaves Stormcage and calls on an old friend.
Jack kind of inserted himself here (hurr hurr), and went off on a bit of a Torchwood tangent. But don't worry, it only refers to the main plot of Children of Earth which you can read on Wiki. However if you haven't seen it, watch it instead of going for the plot summary. It's fantastic telly, even if Torchwood never floated your boat, Children of Earth is superb.
And sorry this took so long, it's be almost ready for nearly a week but we've been doing home improvements and I haven't had much facetime with the laptop.
Just the epilogue to go now and I'm going to do my best to post it at the weekend.
Starts with the Prologue -- Links through from there.
Chapter Eight )