Ficathon: Burn Like Magnesium

May 29, 2012 21:40

Burn like Magnesium

Rating: Mature
Pairing: River/Eleventh Doctor
Words: 2700

Summary: The Doctor comes to break River out of the Stormcage and take her on an adventure. River has other ideas.

Notes: This is my submission for the River/Doctor Ficathon written for missvmarigold (merryghoul). Thanks so much to easytheretyger for the beta.

Prompt: Inspired by this: Read more... )

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Comments 13

lifes_own_light May 30 2012, 02:28:36 UTC
Unf. So hot. I love the creative use of the perception filters, and River's fiddling with them so the guards think the Doctor is her. Hotness, creativity, and humor. Just lovely!


clare009 May 30 2012, 11:00:07 UTC
Hehe, I love it when River's being all devious. Glad you liked it.


merryghoul May 30 2012, 03:08:53 UTC
Just lovely. Thanks for writing this for me!


clare009 May 30 2012, 11:01:39 UTC
Thank you for the fun prompts! It was a pleasure, and I hope it hit the right spots, even though it might have strayed a little bit from the original prompt...


ddaapp May 30 2012, 11:10:59 UTC


clare009 June 2 2012, 00:55:38 UTC


easytheretyger May 30 2012, 20:44:28 UTC
The Doctor pushes her back, away from him, and she falls on her arse, legs akimbo, her mouth an 'o' where his cock has just been.

This could be the most perfect line I have ever read.

I could read this a hundred times and not get bored of it. And it's still cruel that you denied them a kiss. ;)



clare009 June 2 2012, 00:56:11 UTC
Perhaps perhaps! I have to finish that other one that we won't mention here first


jadethe2nd June 1 2012, 08:00:25 UTC
I love this! It's hot and clever and fun and the ending is just perfect :D


clare009 June 2 2012, 00:56:39 UTC
Aw thanks! I love it when River one-ups the Doctor. Couldn't resist it.


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