Ficathon Entries - Last Day At Stormcage | Bad News

May 29, 2012 16:32

My recipient was dqbunny. I wrote one long fic and a ficlet, and I may do the third prompt at a later date because that was a cool one, too.

Title: Last Day At Stormcage
Author: Ragna (scandalbaby)
Rating: PG
Characters: Eleven/River
Wordcount: 1,111
Prompt: The day River leaves Stormcage for the last time. Bonus if it involves explosions.
Summary: She was finally free, and the Doctor wanted to make sure she got out of Stormcage in one piece.

Title: Bad News
Author: Ragna (scandalbaby)
Rating: PG
Characters: Eleven/River, mentions of Rory/Amy
Wordcount: 528
Prompt: The Ponds are gone, and the Doctor isn't quite sure how to tell River that she might never see her parents again.
Spoilers: There are spoilers for S7 of Doctor Who.
Summary: It's hard, to tell her what happened and how it's all because he tried to save a marriage.

genre : romance, rating : pg, character : eleven, character: river song, genre : hurt/comfort, fanworks : fanfiction

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