Because I was a dumb and didn't participate in the ficathon.
Title: Whitsunday Beach
sarahandcocoa Rating: Light PG-13 for brief mention of sex and nudity
Pairings/Characters: River/Doctor
Length: 650 words
Spoilers: Till end of series
Disclaimer: If I did own Doctor Who I would think up a better location name than 'Whitsunday Beach' which is so obviously based on Whitehaven in the Whitsunday isles.
Summary: River meets Amy for the first time, when the Doctor inadvertantly brings her along to one of her booty calls!
Author's Note: This is in response to
tardis_coral's prompt: River/11, The first time River meets a Companion. Jealousy. Hope you don't mind that it isn't the first time she meets him with a companion.
I lie back and soak up the rays from the fiery sun and listen to the waves crash about me. He will arrive soon and expect me to be hanging off a cliff, or half-devoured by a dragon, or about to decrypt the map to a sacred burial ground. But today I just fancy his company. It is awful lonely waiting for danger to arrive so I have a reason to summon him.
Eventually I hear the wonderfully grating sound of the TARDIS. The blue box shimmers into existence.
I slide my sunglasses down my nose and watch the Doctor bounce out the door … accompanied by a leggy redhead. Not another redhead. And this one is so much prettier than the last.
He is already sweating in his tweed jacket and he tugs at his bowtie. His skinny friend has enough pale flesh on display to burn in an instant.
His gaze meets mine, he smiles and strides forward. “Right. Why am I hear?” He claps his hands together and rubs them, ready for action.
I prop myself up and plant a kiss on his lips. “Do I need a reason?”
He looks positively scandalised.
Miss Foxy narrows her eyes in a suggestive way. “You’re younger.”
I look her up and down. “Not quite as young as you.”
“W-Wait you just kissed me,” the Doctor stutters.
“Oh dear, first time?”
Amy leans forward and whispers in my ear, “He reacted the same way at our first kiss.”
I quell a stab of jealousy. I hadn’t planned for his first kiss to be quite so impersonal. Mental note for future: do not kiss before completing timeline check.
“I am going to pretend you didn’t just do that,” the Doctor decides. He then pats the redhead’s shoulder. “Have you met Amy yet?”
I shake her hand. “I assume you are the latest addition.” I then reach into my beach bag and pull out my little blue book. “Where are we, Doctor? We clearly haven’t done Asgard yet, so we must be somewhere between the hidden temples of Wreush and -”
“I’ve been with the Doctor for over a year, actually,” Leggy interrupts.
“Oh right, well, you’ll be due your departure soon.”
What a pity he intercepted my message when travelling with this tag-along. No sex today, then. Perhaps I could send him away and send the message out again - get a better version.
Ginger huffs. “I don’t like River at my age!”
“Neither do I. Let’s go, Amy.”
They turn to leave.
I sigh and put the book down. “Wait! At least let me buy you a margarita.”
The Doctor points a finger at me. “You need to keep your lips sealed in future.”
I make a zipping gesture. “Sorry, Sweetie. Now pull over a sunbed and get stripping. It’s one hundred degrees fahrenheit and you’re making me hot just looking at you.”
“Oh I bet he is,” Amy slurs in a deep Scottish lilt.
My stomach twitches again. It would be hard for the Doctor not to find her attractive.
I head to the cocktail bar. Once the drinks are ready, I gesture the Doctor forward to carry the third.
“So this is early for you?”
“Yes.” He gulps at his margarita as though it is water.
“I shall keep it tame then, for you and the vixen.” I cock my head to one side. “Though I can’t imagine she’s the type to settle for holding your hand and sipping cocktails.”
“Amy is happily married, if you must know,” the Doctor insists.
Well that’s something of a surprise. She’s chosen to go naturale for lack of suitable swimwear, and is now spread out in full view of several surfers. I wonder who the unlucky husband is.
And so begins the Day on Whitsunday Beach. I would have much preferred a shag.