Title: In Her Embrace
Author: malicehaughton
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: River/TARDIS (explicit), River/Doctor, hints of Doctor/Master.
Genre/s: PWP/Romance
Warnings: My first try at explicit femslash. I apologise if it comes across as very wrong.
Summary: Sometimes, the Doctor is hard to love. Having the TARDIS's love too is an addition to River's life that is rare and extraordinary in itself.
Disclaimer: They belong to the BBC...
Prompt: Sometimes the Doctor is hard to love. He keeps so much of himself from River. From everyone. There's only one being in the entirety of time and space that knows him completely, and that's the TARDIS. River finds herself falling in love with the machine that holds the Doctor's heart, because to her, it's an extension of his beautiful mind that she can...touch.... <3 (Please, please, please, telepathy!)
It definitely has telepathy in it, but it came out more as the TARDIS stating she loves River, more than River loving the TARDIS. Hope you don't mind.
I have no idea who the prompt is for. I hope you enjoy this fic anyway. I had a blast writing it. Link goes to my lj (I hope that's alright, since the rules have changed...*meeps*)
In her Embrace