The soul-crushing cab scene in the season finale of How I Met Your Mother, where Robin (Cobie Smulders) came to the realization that she still has feelings for Barney (Neil Patrick Harris), certainly set up the pair for a little drama this season. And it all kicks off in the season premiere…with a dramatic dance scene!
“Barney and Robin clear the floor at a wedding for an awesome dance number,” executive producer and c0-creator Craig Thomas tells EW. I know what you’re thinking. And no, it’s not Barney’s wedding. It’s actually Punchy’s wedding in Cleveland, which is where the events of the season premiere take place.
But the dance will likely be one of Robin’s lighter moments in the premiere, as she also finds herself dealing with the fact that she still has feelings for her ex.
“You couldn’t miss it in that longing look she gave Barney, who was looking at Nora [Nazanin Boniadi],” says Thomas. “If there are fans of the Robin and Barney relationship in all of its weird complexities, they’re going to be very excited about this season. We pick up on the fact that there are feelings again.”