Pimping And A Possible ficathon Question...

Sep 30, 2004 00:01

Okay, here goes the list of pimping:

1-144 Episode Challenge

fickledame needs more authors to contribute to this.  Basically any true fan of the Buffy should contribute to this.

2-B/A Kinkathon

gia6seconds thought this up.  Basically if you are sick of regular B/A fluffy sex and want to see some lovable kink such as bondage, sex toys, please sign up!  Cuz who doesn't love some smutty B/A Kink?

3-Not Fade Away Ficathon

bashipforever thought this one up.  Basically you can decide what happens Post NFA.  The good news is that you get to write your own and it's not even due until February of '05.  2005, people.  That's every procrastinating author's dream and fantasy.  That means you have 5 months to finish it, or you can be like me and wait three days before it is due, and whip it out!

Okay, now here is my question.

Would anyone be interested on doing a Wes/Fred Angst-athon of some sort, and or a Post Hole In The World/Shells ficathon.  The latter doesn't necessarily have to revolve around W/F, but it will have to have some sort of W/F in it.

I know that most of my flist are B/A shippers, but I would like to have a non B/A Ficathon for once, you know?

Variety is of the good!
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