7th Declaration.

Jul 02, 2009 13:47

[Action Post.]

Xemnas yawned faintly as he padded from his bedroom into the adjoining bathroom, running a dark hand through pale hair. The sun was just rising, spilling golden fingers across the expansive lawns of the Ixchelin mansion. Xemnas didn't hold much hope that it would last long - even in summer clouds seemed to roll over the sky fairly regularly here in England. Sometimes, he really missed Mexico.

Xemnas washed his face and went about brushing his silver hair, flipping open his journal while he was at it. He was surprised at how much was actually being written over the holidays. He was just skimming his eyes over the latest entries when the strangest sensation overtook him and he was suddenly standing in a bathroom that wasn't his own anymore.

The air was thick with incense and the bathroom was all done up in red and gold tiling. Outside the door he could hear voices chattering in a language he didn't understand.

Oh, Merlin. His wand was back in his bedroom.

Looking wildly around, Xemnas was glad to see a heavily embroidered robe slung across the gilded bath, so he snatched it up and slung it around himself. At least he felt a little more secure than he had in just his boxers. Snatching up his journal, Xemnas crept to the door and peeked out. He saw a bedroom strewn with satin and silk, all rich - and spectacularly tacky - colours.

"Where the hell am I...?" he muttered, sliding out of the bathroom. He was just making for the door on the other side of the room when it swung open of it's own accord. A diminuative lady was there with a man who had to be about ninety-eight-not-out. She never looked at Xemnas, but nattered away to the man for a moment longer before bowing to him and ushering him inside, then closing the door.

The man called something out to her, giving a toothless grin, and the language was vaguely familiar, though he couldn't speak it. The set of the man's features also gave the Slytherin some indication of where he might be.

"Merlin, am I in China...?" Xemnas asked the man, but of course he didn't understand.

The man approached, and Xemnas backed up, disliking the strange light in the dark eyes.

"Listen," Xemnas blurted when he could back no further because of the bathroom door. "Whatever you think I..." He aborted that and tried again; "I don't belong here."

The man spoke again and Xemnas didn't need to understand the words. He understood the tone well enough - and it was decidedly lewd. The silk and satin, and the sounds he could hear from elsewhere in the building suddenly came together and Xemnas' jaw nearly hit the floor. He was in a bloody brothel!

[Voice Post.]

Hey! Don't- That is entirely inappropriate! Get your hands out of- oh, yuck!

I know you paid for... but I'm not... and I don't...

Merlin preserve me! I am not a whore!

[[OOC: I take no responsibility for this. All blame can be laid squarely on Jomy-Mun. >_> Although the Brothel part was my idea, but...]]

china, event, xemnas

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