Please join the Fandom Counts! community. It's new, and started in reaction to the recent events.
The nature of the comm (copied from danceswithgarry's explanation):
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What it is: Fandom, stand up and be counted.
At the moment, that's ALL that it is. Nothing more, nothing less. Currently, there is no posting access, no rules, no interests listed.
All I'm asking is that if you consider yourself a part of any fandom, please join, be counted, and pimp.
Why? Exactly how many of us ARE there in fandom? SPN has thousands. I know HP has thousands of thousands. Livejournal has 13 million journals created. How many of those are members of fandom?
Why make this on Livejournal instead of GreatestJournal? Because LJ is the one at stake right now. Getting a body count on GJ won't help very much.
(Unless you're seriously scared that LJ will use the comm as a list of potential victims - I don't know, can they do that?)
For those who are scared, or just want to have a way to safeguard all the material you have on LJ (and this saves comments as well) please see this most helpfull post by wonderfull EnderWiggin:
freeware to back-up your entire LJ: