Apr 23, 2005 22:34
Ok so it is freakin snowing!!! AGAIN!!! For Christ sake it is APRIL 22...It was in the 80's last week and now we get flippin snow..8-12 inches or so the weather channel is saying. Needless to say I am NOT a happy girl. Ok Moving on.. Lets see I am finally back to work. Wal Greens, not much of a job but oh well its a paycheck. Most important they will work around my school schedule. Now if John will get a call on one of the 50 million resumes that he has sent out we will be good to go. Hmmm..what else..my parents divorce will be final in like 2 weeks. They go to court on May 3rd..that is kinda weird for me. Like I'm ok with it but yet i'm not. I guess I am glad that they are happy but in my own selfish mind I wish that it wasn't happening. But what can ya do. I have finally decided to take my happy azz back to school. Come September I will be a proud student of Baker College. I will be getting my associate degree in there Paralegal program. I am actually really excited about that..I can't wait. Kinda scary after being out of school for so long. The thought of HOMEWORK is terrifying and thrilling at the same time. Just as soon as I am done with school we are so outta Michigan!! Somewhere southern and warm. John is thinking Miami is good and I am tending to agree with him. LoL Pack our stuff and hit the road. I would love to be back in Alabama but somehow I doubt that I can talk John into that. And I guess to be honest i'm not even sure anymore if that is where I want to be. With the exception of a few people that part of my life is over. Strangely enough i'm ok with that. I can look back and enjoy the memories and tell the story's and that enough for me. So I guess it's MIAMI or NASHVILLE here we come. So anywayz...dinner is done and i'm gonna go and eat while it's hot..more later.
Love ya,