
Jul 25, 2004 02:51

ii hate babysittinq!!! omFq!! david is s0o mean! nd he wont stop stickin hiis hand in hiis ass then touchiin me! wat the fuck!! nd b4 he took a shit on the floor! nd he wahz like step in it! ii wahz like r u fuckiin retarded?! lmao nd adam callz nd askz me if ii*ll babysit amalyki...ii wahz like r u fuckiin retarded?!...den my retarded m0m w/o askin me tells hiim yes!!! babyz d0nt sleep!!!! ii mean chrystal came nd q0t hiim @ the time she sed she wuld buh sherrie diidnt! ii*m s0o0o mad @ her!! she haz a fuckiin 3 yr old kid by s0me quy she hates den she*z preqnant aqen!! nd she iis out clubbinq every weekend!! s0me0ne d0esnt n0e qettiin drunk isnt qud!! dat baby is q0nna c0me out retarded!! ii swear my family is retarded...den my dadz mad c0z he hates babiez s0 he*z bein mean 2 david nd tellin me n0 q0od deed c0verz up punishment or s0me qay crap like dat...nd he*z all jumpin into tellin me 2 read b0okz! ii*d rather die!!!!!!! uurrqqqhh wen sherrie qets here ii*m tellin her ii*m never q0nna babysit 4 her aqen!! AAHH!! mother fucker!! lmao

ii l0ve 67 tho!!!! <33333


y0u n0e y0u l0ve me! xOx
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