Jul 23, 2004 01:25
okaii s0 ii made a username a lonq time aq0 nd decided nah 2 d0 it c0z my life iis b0riinq...buh seeiinq az its qettiin better nd chad sed ii shuLd sh0w my depressiinq poemz on diis ii decided 2 qiive it a try...s0 yeah here ii am writinq...well ii quess ii shuld tell b0uh my day...ii woke up early iin da mornin nd da AC wahz blasted nd s0 ii wahz 2 cold 2 qet outta bed s0 ii went back 2 bed ((knowinq roo wahz IMinq me beqqiin me 2 c0me back)) nd den w0ke up @ 1...roo told me 2 q0 2 foodbaq nd s0 ii diid...ii met up wit roo nd dustin nd den we went 2 d library...ii felt like lookin @ da bo0kz s0 wen ii turned da corner diis chyk asked me if she wahz iin muh way nd ii sed nah nd she sed "by any chance iis ur name kRysTaL?" nd ii wahz like uuhh wonderiin wh0 the fuck she wahz nd ii sed yeah nd she q0ez "ii n0e y0u we use 2 b iin da same class in like 4th qrade" s0 ii asked her if she had mrs. curran nd she sed yeah nd ii asked her name nd she sed hannah layman nd ii wahz like tryiin nah 2 lauqh nd ii told her yeah ii remember her den ii l0oked d0wn @ her shorts nd noticed they were like 2 inches ab0ve her knees n0eiin mine wahz like 10 inches ab0ve my knees nd it felt akward s0 ii walked back 2 roo nd dustin nd started lauqhin nd told dem b0uh h0w she wahz a qeek nd ii never talked to her nd it wahz weird seein her after a lonq ass tiime...nd den Terrence nd Tramelle walked durr shrek lo0kiin asses iin nd we ran c0z dey wack nd den dey saw us nd Tremelle asked dustin if ii wahz hiis qurl or roo*z qurl nd ii wahz like eeeww!!! he*z s0o0o uqly!! den we decided 2 b0unce nd we walked 2 d elavator nd den Tremelle nd Terrence decided 2 ride it wit us nd ii wazhz like o0o hell n0 ii*m takiin d stairz nd den roo ran after me nd we waited 4 dustin nd den dustin wahz walkin towardz the automatic door expectin it 2 open buh it diidnt s0 hiis ass walked rite into da shit nd den dustin came up 2 me nd told me dat tremelle sed ii had a niice butt nd ii almost puked nd den we went 2 d iice riink nd den zero qravity den a brazilian clothin store nd den roo nd dustin hadda q0 s0 ii went h0me nd sat my ass @ d c0mputer like alwaiiz den my dad came h0me nd put 2 Tvz nex 2 me nd told me 2 pick one s0 ii picked diis biiq ass Tv nd yeah n0w ii q0ts a new Tv nd my m0mmy q0t me chocolate fudqe cake nd ii q0t happy nd n0w my fuckiin leqz r killin me nd dey feel numb nd it kinda hurts...LoL damn ii typed alot buh yeah dat wahz my lovely day hahaa
y0u n0e y0u l0ve me ;)