I'm all grown up now!! Mike and I are moved into our apartment in Grant. His sister doesn't let an opportunity pass without mentioning that it's the Grant "ghetto"... Grant in its entirety is a ghetto. So I don't know what she's talking about. There's an old lady across the hall who is allowed to have a pet chihuahua for "health" reasons. I'm thinking mental health reasons... And other than that, I know there is an old woman who lives downstairs with huge boobies and does not know what a bra is. Other than that, I don't know anybody. I lock the door behind Mike when he leaves for work because I'm scared of being murdered or raped. We have no drapes for the livingroom window so I have to be fully clothed at all times, no matter how stinking hot it is. I can't wait to get the drapes... lol. Theresa is coming over Tuesday from Hesperia to see our place. She's bringing her Michael. She said she can get 4 free passes to MI Adventure because she works there and I'm looking forward to that. Love the wooden coasters. Anyways...
There would be pictures of the bedroom, but Mike's sleeping in it right now!