Mmm, so tired you guys...racking my brain for a good reason to be up and on the computer...because I don't have class tomorrow? That might work. Hope you all had a swell (yes swell) Valentine's Day...mine was pretty stinkin' good, I skipped my one class that met today in favor of staying home and doing homework, making cards and cd's, and watching old I Love Lucy episodes (Eva bought me the entire 2nd season for Christmas...random, but I'm liking it). Work was good, somehow I mistook a piece of chicken for a piece of pork...made cookies...ran around like a chicken with its head cut off trying not to burn the cookies and to get the cauliflower all chopped up and figure out how to make the cous cous and not burn the pork/chicken...good times. Then went and met Scott at Starbucks, we ended up sitting at the little kids table playing with the toys and crayons. Oh and Berry was there working! I think it's only the second time I've seen him there since he's worked there...anyway he said he'd be my valentine, but he rejected Scott. We three hung out for a bit after Berry was off, and then he went home and then it was time for Scott and I to retreat to our prospective homes too...anyway it was fun. Happy Valentine's Day!
Do you watch the Gilmore Girls?: nope...i've liked what i've seen of it in the past, though
Have you ever enjoyed listening to Jack Johnson?: yep
Do you listen to Christian rock?: eh, a little
Have you ever seen or enjoyed watching the O.C.?: i've seen like...a total of maybe 4 episodes. and yes i enjoyed them i suppose...haven't seen anything recently though
Do you have one or more Britney Spears C.D.?: haha no. nope.
Do you regularly watch the news?: no...probably should, but no
What are you favorite radio stations? so frustrated with the radio lately...they changed my morning show! i'm in search of presets are kexp, mix 92.5 (for the very occasional good song and the halfway entertaining dj's), jack fm (because something so random has to play something good every once in a while...right?), the mountain (because...they play interesting music), and the end. which is disappointing me lately...
Are you a Lost fanatic?: never seen it...i hear it's good though
[[Be honest]]
Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library?: mmm...i have a song by black sabbath back when ozzy osbourne was in it...does that count?
Queen?: oh yeah
Alanis Morissette?: haha, yeah...was on the narnia soundtrack i b'lieve. i haven't listened to it yet though....
Do you watch Family Guy?: nope
The Simpsons?: i see parts every once in a while, but no
King of the Hill?: nah
[[Admit it]]
Do you read trashy romance novels often?: noope
Do you really work out every day?: nope, nor do i claim to...
Have you ever eaten chocolate in bed?: yes
Have you ever eaten an entire pint, or more, of ice cream by yourself?: haha yeah
Have you ever spent an entire day in bed without being sick?: mmm...think so
Have you ever eaten nothing but junk food for a week straight: no doubt
Do you shower every single morning, no exceptions?: nope, the skin flips out if i do
Have you ever gone to school/work only 15 minutes after waking up?: aaaall the time
Do you ever forget to give a Christmas present & instead keep it for yourself?: not i
Do you sing obnoxiously in the car when you're driving alone?: i don't understand that being obnoxious...maybe i missed something, but i mean, if you're in your car and they're in their car and you're singing...and they can't hear is that obnoxious? i think it's funny. heh, anyway if that's obnoxious, then yes, yes i do.
Do you sing obnoxiously in the shower when no one's home?: yep
Have you ever watched a little kid's show when you were over 12?: yeah, it was all about Lamb Chops...yes, yes i am a nerd.
Have you ever looked forward to going to school?: not that i can think of any examples, but yes.
[[The Necessary Love Questions That Aren't So Necessary]]
Have you ever had an explicit dream involving your crush?: if we mean explicit in a scandalous way then no, if we mean it in the fully and clearly expressed way, then yes.
...Did it include a broom closet?: heh, no
Have you ever pretended your crush was with you when they really weren't?: not picking up on what this question is asking...what?
Did you draw for your first crush back in elementary school/preschool?: don't think so...but when i was like 7 i bought this guy that i had a huge crush on this little figurine of a seal...don't ask me what inspired that. he gave it to his younger sister.
(Girls) Have you ever asked a guy out?: nope
(Guys) Have you ever liked a girl but didnt ask her out b/c you were afraid?:
Have you and a (past or present) significant other ever made an 'Our Song'?: actually no...somewhat surprising considering my song junkie-ness
Have you ever written a poem/story about your love life?: about mine? no...i wrote a story about rach's though. it was pretty great.
An autobiography?: no but i've always thought it would be super cool...maybe sometime when i have too much time on my hands. and then i'll read it and be like "oh, this sucks" and burn it.
Have you ever listened to a song repeatedly just because it reminded you of your crush?: haha, yeah.
Have you ever spent over an hour thinking about nothing but your crush?: definitely
Do you reread meaningless AIM convos just because they're with your crush?: yeah, i'm that cool
Have you ever reconsidered liking someone because of their appearance?: nah
Have you ever liked someone solely for their appearance?: don't b'lieve so
[[The Questions You Love: Completely and Utterly Pointless Ones]]
Do you eat all the servings in the food groups on a daily basis?: umm...semi daily...i don't really know.
Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organization?: at work i my room it's a different story.
Have you ever been treated for OCD? ADD?: no on both counts
Do you own a graphing calculator?: i think my family has one...i don't personally own one.
Have you ever been to South America or Africa?: i think honduras is in south america? if so, then yes.
Have you ever owned a Klutz book or kit?: yep...i think my mom bought it for me.
Do you know how to knit?: nope, haven't learned that yet...i have knitting needles though! and i can crochet...kindof...only i'm awful at it.
Do you have a cellphone or iPod with a patterened cover?: no patterned covers for this girl
Have you ever written song lyrics yourself and put them in your profile?: no, i'm not that cool
Do you keep a diary or journal (online or on paper)?: i have like five of each...generally, i use my journals.
Did you ever want to be an astronaut or a teacher when you were a kid?: nope...i wanted to be a maid. and then later i wanted to be a soccer player and a singer and an interior decorator and a hair stylist...ah the minds of children...
Do you own a striped sweater?: yes, as of christmas...and it's green, which is the best color ever.
How often do you take a bubble bath?: like...once a year.
When you open your closet, what is the dominant color of your clothes?: i don't think there really is a dominant color...there's more red and blue than other colors though
[[Truly Unusual This or That Questions]]
Baskin Robbins or Coldstones?: oooh coldstone
Sees or Godiva: godiva
America or Canada?: america
Physics or chemistry? physics i think...
Glamorous or au naturale?: au natural, baby
Earphones or headphones?: meh, whatever
Chocolate brown or teal?: brown!
Earrings or a ring?: definitely a ring...but only one per hand, and they have to be just right.
Commitment or casual dating?: commitment all the way
Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?: lord of the rings! harry potter is okay but it's nothing outstanding.
Fly or road trip?: fly! so much more effective...and i love flying, minus the part where you never have enough room to be truly comfortable.
Starbucks or Petes?: Starbucks, hands down
[[Another Wave of Random Questions]]
Do you know what a geisha is?: no idea
What is your favorite Disney movie?: there are so many that i like...umm...cinderella, beauty & the beast, robin hood...
Do you have a more classic style or do you stay up-to-date (clothes wise)?: haha...umm...i have no idea. i'm definitely not cutting edge...other than that...judge for yourself.
How much jewelry do you own?: like 5 necklaces (that aren't broken) and a bracelet or two (assuming plastic ones don't count)
What year do you graduate high school in?: '04 baby! and that would be did not do
Have you memorized the rejection hotline, just in case?: haha no, but i have the number in my phone...because that thing makes me laugh way too much.
Have you ever given someone the rejection hotline as your number? nope, i don't really get phone number requests. besides i don't have it memorized so i wouldn't be able to pull it off.
Have you ever eaten at a food court?: umm yeah
Have you ever bought clothes at Sears?: bought shoes there on Saturday
Do you own any Care Bears memorabilia?: i don't think so...not that i can think of
Do you have a quilt on your bed?: a quilted comforter cover, but not a quilt.
oy, my neck is sore...