Jan 02, 2006 00:53
Okay, so hilights of this ridiculously short-feeling break...
-Spiro's, Jet City Improv thing, and the Staubs' Black Nativity party
-The mad dash to Bellingham for a night of an hour and a half of sleep and Called Out the following morning
-Spending time with Janet again
-Five Christmas parties in like a week and a half
-White elephant gift exchange at Berry's
-Getting to know Melanie
-Christmas Eve morning, speed shopping
-Christmas Eve with Steve and Julia
-Family on Christmas day, gift exchange with Scott and Janet
-Crazy girls' night at my house
-Cafe Ladro with Scott, witnessing Dan Hutch's battle scar
-The threat of having to learn to salsa dance, and Little Women with Scott Ian Manda and kinda Dan
-Rent, scones, crepes, Sense and Sensibility, TEA--all in one day
-New Year's Eve being at Amy's without Amy, fooseball (me and Ri, Amanda our cheerleader), bloody murder, full contact cops and robbers, the sentence-picture game, talking with Manda Heidi and Erika for waaay too long
-Tonight, baby dedication party for my cousin's baby, hanging with the Jacobsons, reading Peanuts, listening to Switchfoot, watching Our Gang, throwing things at Andrew, finally seeing The Boy again...
And there you have it. All I need to do now is get this stupid virus off of my computer, try not to make my bruises any worse, and finish my college app essay...and try to get some more friend time in before people leave.