Jun 12, 2005 21:47
Patrick “Abexy” Malloy
How I Got the Internet or “Thanks a lot, Mr. Vice President!”
The year was 1995, and I had a Compaq Pentium 166, and I was playing on it one day, probably Oregon Trail, and there was a knock on the door. So my father goes and answers the door, and lo and behold, there stands Vice President Al Gore! He says, “Hello, Mr. Malloy,” holding up a small, rectangular box, and he says, “This is the Internet, I’ve recently invented it, and am now handing it out.” So he handed it to my father, and my father asked, “What is the internet?” Al Gore responded, “It’s pretty self explanatory, just set it on top of your computer.” My father said, “Thank you, Mr. Vice President.” The Vice President left, and proceeded to go to our neighbor’s house, to give them the Internet, too. So we set it on top of the computer, the tower, naturally, and a little window popped up. The window read, “Please plug a phone line into me.” We plugged in a phone line, and noises started happening [Patrick now imitates the noises with gusto]. And then, we were on the Internet. And that’s the story of how we go the Internet. And we had some critical windows system updates to download.
woo I was up until 5 last night working on a project for history and I'll be up until 5 tonight writing two essays and doing an AP Stat project.