Sorry about the width, I forgot how large my resolution was compared to the res some folks tend to use. Thus, I've put the pics in a cut tag - a good habit at any time.
Note: The data is week based, but to make it prettier, each week on this chart is actually the average of the three week period surrounding the week. This basically just smoothed things out a bit.
Note 2: As you can see, the Y axis values are found by comparing a person's chatlog data size with the total for that week. Thus, if a given week had 800kb of log data, and one person's data was 40kb, that would give them a 5% height on the chart.
Notable trends:
* Generally when I see someone, we chat more afterwards, and a bit before.
* Whenever I go to Dubois, I talk with Roberto less afterwards.
* the Moratorium rather boosted my chatting with both Rob and Lexa, for obvious reasons.
* Moving to VA did not actually reduce the amouont of chatting I did by much (see below chart), but rather had the effect of making my typical contacts a bit more diverse.
* Chatting with Jocelyn sloped off into summer 2007, but picked up again when I visited Maine - despite the fact that I did not see her then.
* In data that you can't see here, there is an upward trend in Dubois people (Matushka, Victoria, Steph, etc) which begins in Summer 07, picks up a bit over the winter, and then accelerates in the spring.
* May to July 2007: Catholics go down, Orthodox go up. :P
* The upward spike with Alessandra, and upward slope with Sarah, from late March to late May, were related partly to anticipation of the upcoming summer.
This second chart gives you an idea of how much actual chatting was done. The Y axis corresponds to how that week compares to the biggest week ever. Thus, if the biggest week was 1000kb in chatlog data, and this week's added up to 340kb, it would be at the 34 height on this chart.
As you can see, I actually did more chatting after I finished my summer travels and settled in VA. Jan - Feb 2008 were somewhat socially depressing months for me regarding certain friends with whom I fell out of favor, and I apparently withdrew from everyone else, too. Although, looking at the other chart, Jocelyn apparently was a source of comfort to me. I think because she was a friend from a few years back, and she still would talk to me - same for Alessandra, whose line sloped upwards in that period.