And now, presenting all the important bits of Pashca (aside from the most important, resurrection bits) in the form of photos. Important items in italics.
The Doctor upon Adric's confession that he's beeen using the sonic screwdriver to pick his teeth. I watched this on the train. (geographic proximity to loved ones for the sake of communal celebration of the resurrection)
Us can haz cheezburgah. (fasting and feasting)
Hauling away the old yeller. (proper reverance and solemnity during the services)
Me and some old man I found on the side of the road. (exercising humility and compassion, wot)
Hannah washing the dishes and pondering what do to with the next person who asks her to help with dishes. (servanthood)
Red eggs to symbolize blood, new life, and stained blouses. (Church traditions)
More goodies later.