Nov 30, 2007 02:35
2:36 and I haven't touched Nano today. 22.5 hours until November ends, and I've got 5400 words to go. I will hit 46k before going to bed. That's about 1.5k, more or less. Could take half of an hour, depending on inspiration.
First thing Didi really said to me today (after I got home from work): "You smell like dog poop." Would this be a justifiable thing to say as a greeting in a context where humor wasn't the intent, even if I had smelled that way (other witnesses denied the smell and declared that Didi's nose was insane)? I suppose it's irrelevant that the first thing I heard her say today, to anyone, was "JJ, you and Billy really stink up the room. and Jonathan helps, too." No doubt she's right, of course. Nevermind the fact that I find JJ and Billy's side of the room-dividing sheet much smellier than my half, and Didi never comes into my half to get an idea of the air quality. No, I'm sure I'm just a walking stench-producer. That's why my bosses constantly have to talk to me about how raunchy I am. I'd say we spend about 5 hours per workday just talking about that.
I'm going into work tomorrow (Friday) night because a coworker needs to hit the road an hour before closing, for school reasons. I offered to finish off her shift, so I'll be unhome from 7 until 10-10:30. I'll have to not leave more than 1000 words left at that point. Katherine's coming in the afternoon, so I'll want to be mostly if not all done by then. So, then, let's say my cutoff is 3 pm. That gives me 12 hours for 5400 words. I need to average one word every 8 seconds, nonstop, for 12 hours. Or I can sleep for 9 of those hours, and write one word every two seconds for 3 hours.
The Nano story needs a wrap up. I think, perhaps a showdown. An ultimate showdown. Of ultimate destinty. The fate of the world hangs in the balance. Or the fate of Jade's love life, at any rate. Perhaps I'll have the Pirate Lord and Ninja Master duke it out on top of the ancient temples of Tenochtitlan, just to keep me awake.