Jul 10, 2004 09:51
SOOOOOOOOO last night I had to babysit and didn't get to do any of the three things I would have LIKED to've done. OH WELL...
Here's me saying this: I hope that you played a swell set sir Brandon Watson, same goes for you Harry (and Alex and Ben) Annnnd, Thaniel: Please my little HXC friend, don't play in bars anymore.
That's about it. We're about to leave to go to Gadsden for the day. My EFFIN PERFECT (note; no jealousy. Promise) cousin Holly is getting married. YEAAAAAAAAAAH... I'm eloping. Either Graceland or Vegas. Depends on how much I've got to spend that week. Either way, Elvis is the only person invited.
You know, the other person might have SOME (all) say in the matter... yeah.
I'm done. Someone do something with me Monday. I feel like I've been buisy doing nothing lately, and I haven't gotten to hang out with anyone besides Wes lately (no complaining. I could hang out with Wes forever and be perfectly happy) It's just... I miss you.
And I made a list of people I haven't actually GOTTEN TO PLAY WITH over the summer and it's sucking
DANIEL CLOUD- WHAT? I know. We need to play. Puzzle. I'll even watch some dumb cartoon movie. I'm gunna burn Cheeburger down if we don't play soon.
SULLIVANS- I'm coming over to play with Susan again VERY VERY VERY SOON. Before you go to the beach soon. And your house will be incredibly clean when I leave. So go ahead... start dirtying it up now.
I think that's it. I hang out with everybody else atleast SOMETIMES...
OHHHHH one more thing. Yesterday I got a card in the mail from my grandparents. It said thanks for being our granddaugter. I cried a little. So from now on, I'm going to randomly send cards to people that say "thanks for being (insert name here)" be on the lookout.
I love you
so so so so so much
No, really. I do.