May 22, 2004 13:57
EHHH. Last night I ended up getting sucked into youth movie night. I liked about five minutes of the four hours I was there.
I hate to say this, because it's going to undoubtedly piss some people off, but I'm slowly starting to LOATHE our entire youth group. I refuse to go to youth because of "TRIBAL GAMES" It's like an annoying youth/hyper game of survivor. I'm not going back until it's over. The competition stuff we do durring the summers totally gets on my nerves. And so does like... 3/4 of our youth group. I just... we all worked so hard to get it to be one youth group, without the clicks and all that. Then when Kevin and Candy left... it seriously all went to crap. More than half of our core kids stopped coming, a few of holly and thacker's friends started coming all the time... and it just seems like two little couples rule our youth group now. It's more of a social scene than a youth group, and I find it completely revolting.
So anycrap, Cory is getting to see Atreyu tonight and I couldn't be MOOORE JEALOUS. AGH. Great guy. MMMMMMMMMMMMM. He's slowly teaching me italian and german. Even though I have no desire whatsoever to learn either language right now, I'm totally enjoying it.
Summer is looking amazing. I can't wait to really get into it. My first day at The Buckle is Monday, I'm really hoping I like that job. If I don't... oh well. It's just a job.
My parents are still being gay about me driving. I've been 16 FOREVER and I finished driver's ed, and I did the whole 'maturity test' thing, and I said I'd buy my own car and pay insurance... And they're still being completely retarded. I know it's just the whole "our oldest kid is growing up" thing, but EESH, enough is enough, I'm ready to go.
Yep... Our house smells like not good. So I think I'm going to do some hardcore febreezing (or however the crap you spell that).
<3 be sweet.