Nov 20, 2004 21:16
I right now am inbetween many moods and feelings. Im sick which is what I wish i was over with right now i was happy a few days ago , when an old old friend of mine i havent seen for 7 years contacts me, but im also upset and worried. the upset part im going to keep to myself but i am worried. Its about this Kate and Adric thing, No I am not jelous I have no feelings towards kait or Adric. But it is about Adric. I feel i wont be able to hang out with Kait, Liz and whom ever is with them when Adric is around.
Every one says oh i love adric, he so kool. But when i state i dont like him, they just give me the how come and how can anyone dislike him. And evry god dam time i explain to some one they just go oh ok but he so nice now.
I dislike him because he was a severe ass to me in school. And until i am told other wise i think he hates me. I dont think to this day i can even consider him a friend. or he would consider me one. You know i thought i was a friend to him until i asked him to sign and address book i had i only wanted his email to keep incontact but what he said to me after that just made me not happy. It could be just me but, he said Hmm i dont think i want you to know where i live. At first I was like what the hell is he talking about then i said no all i wanted was just your email. And then he said ok and worte it in.
But the oh i dont think i want you to know where i live rea;;y got to me. To me it was like what the fuck did i do. The only thing i can think of is when i said his last name wrong 2 years ago, or when i acted like i like i was attracted to him. thats the only thing i can think of. Well now you know. Why I dislike him and why he hates me. until other wise proven.