Title: The Morning Before the Night After
Author: Trista Zevkia
Chapter: 1/1
Fandom: Star Trek (I think it works for either Movies or Series version, so go with the ones you love the best;)
SLASH unless otherwise indicated.
Characters/Pairing: Bones/Spock
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3216
Warnings: Somnophilia
Summary: If you can't remember the night before is it really the morning after?
Disclaimer: All monies made will be converted to intergalactic space credits, since gold pressed bars of platinum are a nuisance to carry in zero-g.
Author's Notes: For
Nursedarry winning bid on
TheBig24 auction NurseDarry requested sleepy sex the morning after the night before. I hope this gets somewhere close to what she was hoping for!