Title: Unfinished Business - Chapter 42 - Who Have We Found?
Author: nerdielady
Characters/Pairings: Spock/Uhura
Rating: R
Warnings: none
Summary: Sequel to “The Rest of the Mission”. Covers the time from when the Enterprise goes into dry dock at the end of the five-year mission until after the end of the first movie.
A/N (Author's Notes):
Who Have We Found? Title: All Good Things - Chapter 12 - The Waves Have It
Author: nerdielady
Characters/Pairings: Spock / Nyota Uhura, other members of the crew of the Enterprise
Rating: R
Warnings: none
Summary: The next story in the continuing saga of life on the Enterprise, starring our favorite couple and their family and friends. There are many changes at the beginning of this mission and the crew must discover how to deal with them.
A/N (Author's Notes):
The Waves Have It Title: Destined From the Start - Chapter 12 - Catastrophe
Author: nerdielady
Characters/Pairings: Grayson, Spock / Nyota Uhura, other members of the crew of the Enterprise
Rating: R
Warnings: none
Summary: This is the story of Grayson Kafeel, oldest son of Spock and Nyota, following him from early childhood to his days as an Academy Cadet.
A/N (Author's Notes):
Catastrophe Title: Maat S’chn T’gai - Chapter 92 - Hanging the Doors
Author: nerdielady
Characters/Pairings: The members of the S’chn T’gai clan
Rating: R
Warnings: none
Summary: This story is set on New Vulcan and follows the clan members as they adjust to their new lives and new responsibilities. Sequel to “A Pearl of Great Price” and “Let the Sunshine In:”.
A/N (Author's Notes):
Hanging the Doors