Title: The Test, Part Two (
Part One here)
Chapter/Part: Two of ?
Author: Suzanne78
Characters/Pairings: Spock, Nyota Uhura
Rating: PG
Summary: He does not knows the ways in which he tests her. Even as an aide, Nyota is, quite unfortunately, drawn to her instructor.
A/N: No warnings. I must give a huge thank you to
mrstater for her amazing beta-work and suggestions. After some thought, I decided to expand my Spock/Uhura one-shot
"The Test" and explore their relationship at the Academy before the events of the movie. I did add some material to this after she looked it over for me, so any remaining mistakes here are mine. And I will be making this a small, multi-chapter fic.
And, mrstater, I'm saving the last half of what you beta'd for another chapter ;-D.
Part One here Part Two here