Title: The Pon T'Keshtan, Chapter 19
Author: Simplymare
Characters/Pairings: Spock/Uhura
Rating: R
Summary: Nyota is overjoyed when Spock is returned to duty. We're introduced to the Triumvirate who will be overseeing the coordination of the new Transitional Council meeting and the petitions for inclusion by the Fonn Vuhlkansu and other sects. Sa'aat finds T'Pau's hiding hole and makes an interesting discovery, and a transmission comes from New Vulcan from Spock's plak-tau women... so there's a lot going on in this chapter.
This is Chapter 19 of my story
The Pon T'Keshtan, which is a follow up to my story
The Ek'tevan Prerogative.
These stories are for mature readers.
Thank you, to everyone who has stopped to review the stories! I appreciate your input!