Title: Life Is Not Always Easy - Chapter 3 - Coming Back Slowly
Author: nerdielady
Characters/Pairings: TOS Spock/Uhura
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: none
Summary: Nyota is regaining her memory.
A/N (Author's Notes): Third in a series. Sequel to ‘The Other Side of the Fire’.
Coming Back Slowly... Title: The Two Big Ones - Chapter 5 - Alone At Last
Author: nerdielady
Characters/Pairings: Spock/Uhura
Rating: R
Warnings: none
Summary: The first five year mission is over and Spock and Nyota prepare for
their formal bonding and marriage. Fifth in a series, following "Into the Wild
Black Yonder".
A/N (Author's Notes):
Alone At Last Title: Baby Book - Phase Two - Chapter 25 - Rolling
Author: nerdielady
Characters/Pairings: Spock/Uhura/Grayson/baby sister
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Summary: Spock and Nyota expand their family
A/N (Author's Notes):