Short Fic: Kissing a Vulcan (PG-13)

Jul 20, 2009 01:28

Title: Kissing a Vulcan
Author: luxuria_oceanus
Written for spock_uhura's prompt table (the index can be seen here, at my journal): Prompt #47 "Author's Choice: Kiss"
Disclaimer: I own nothing, but my sanity, and sometimes, said ownership is in question.
Word Count: 292 (According to MW)
Genre: Hmm, I’d say light innocent smut (yes, it can be innocent) with an edge of fluff?
Rating: PG-13 (how intense can kissing be? *grin*)
Pairing/Character: Spock/Uhura
Summary: Uhura learns that kissing a Vulcan is... exceptional.
Timeline: No particular timeline as it is very short, but set within an obvious established relationship between them.
Author's Note: Wow, I haven’t written anything this short in such a long while, and I have fragilepixie411 to thank for :-P for making me a marvelous Spock-video on my birthday which made me think of this somehow, so thanks for that, sweetie! Also, this is unbeta’d, as my unofficial editor is on vacation (*internal sob* I miss my Bobbette!), so any mistakes should be blamed on me. I figured this was too short to mess up, and thus, safe to post, but I swear, if there’s a mistake somewhere in there... I’ll reconsider my major (English Education *facepalm*)

It should be a lot like kissing a human, but it’s not.

rating: pg13, .author: luxuria_oceanus, fan: fanfics

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