Fic: Of Grief and Loss [2/6] (PG)

Jun 09, 2009 21:48

Title: What Do You Require?
Author: luxuria_oceanus
Beta'd By: erinm_4600
Written for spock_uhura's prompt table (the index can be seen here, at my journal): Prompt #18 "What do you need?"
Disclaimer: I own nothing, but my sanity, and sometimes, said ownership is in question.
Word Count: 1,820 (According to MW)
Genre: Some angst, some fluff. It’s an interesting mix.
Rating: PG, I’d say...
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Pairing/Character: Spock/Uhura, simply put.
Summary: When Spock finds Uhura, what he sees seems to imply she is in need... in need of something which he cannot give, or so he thinks (*points at the rating* Get your minds out of the GUTTER, folks).
Timeline: After this piece and some time after Nero’s ship was shot down, but they haven’t gotten to Earth yet.
Author's Note: Poor Uhura. I’m afraid I used a little personal tidbit from my life on her (let's just say, same thing happens to me, and people always think what Spock thought). Also, I bet you didn’t think I’d use that quote from Spock’s perspective (HA!) Will it have another sequel? My muse wants it *sigh* And I want a pool of money with Zachary Quinto swimming naked in it, but am I going to get it? I don’t know, but the future looks long, so we’ll have to wait and see *snorts*

I believe you should see the doctor, Nyota, even now, you seem as if you are in a state of great duress.

rating: pg, .author: luxuria_oceanus, fan: fanfics

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