Title: Plus One
luxuria_oceanusBeta'd By:
erinm_4600Written for
prompt table as seen
here: Prompt #8 "non-verbal communication"
Disclaimer: I own nothing, but my sanity, and sometimes, said ownership is in question.
Word Count: 717 (According to MW)
Genre: Angst *facepalm*
Rating: PG (I think)
Summary: Uhura faces a situation entirely new to her, and she doesn’t know if she’ll have to do it alone.
Timeline: After the movie, don’t ask me how long, because my brain is not doing the math for anyone.
Author's Note: I don’t know why I wrote this. I didn’t want to write it. I fought with my muse for a WHOLE day (well, about... twelve hours, give or take) because I did not want to write it, but the images within the scene would not leave me alone *sigh* Thus, I gave in. Sad, really.
He doesn’t have to say a word.