In celebration of International Kissing Day, online dating site surveyed 3,500 singles to reveal the most memorable on-screen kisses this summer. Hollywood gets its Chapstick on!
2. Star Trek Into Darkness
The second most memorable summer screen kiss was between Spock and Uhura in
Star Trek Into Darkness. We can’t help but wonder what it’s like to galocher those ears.
If you’re a hard-core Trekkie, you’re likely to be familiar with pon farr, part of Vulcans’ reproductive cycle. Apparently, every seven years Vulcans go into heat and become ill or violent. If they don’t mate, they die. Pretty harsh. Of course, Vulcans don’t have to wait seven years to have sex; luckily for Uhura, Spock’s mini-volcano is free to erupt anytime.
original article: let's remember their kiss
this one should get a mention as well:
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