Star Trek Ongoing #8

May 04, 2012 14:07

It was a very good issue...Quite complex.

However there is something that bugged me towards the end of the comic when Kirk and Spock were discussing the aftermath of the past events and Kirk asked Spock about how Uhura handled the fact that Spock shaved his head and took another risk. Spock responded that Uhura did not take it well.

Spock immediately changed the subject by asking Kirk if he should contact Admiral Pike about the events of the day.
Kirk later responded with this quote ....’Yeah I’D go ten rounds with Nyota’

Spock gives no response to his statements and kept on talking about the Romulan-Vulcan conflict.

After reading this issue, It is quite obvious that Kirk still has a crush on Uhura and Spock is either ignorance to this or Spock is not comfortable with disusing his personal life with Kirk.

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